Only in our cinema hall

Open & feel
Karlovy Vary

Make your stay in Karlovy Vary meaningful: learn more about Karlovy Vary and discover unique places in the region.

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Open & feel Karlovy Vary

  • Unique original film in 4 languages
  • The most beautiful locations in the region
  • Big screen and live sound
  • Cozy cinema hall with 35 seats

We are located in the historical centre of the city, in the middle of the most popular excursion route, between the Market Colonnade and the Mill Colonnade. Address: Lázeňská 2075/14, Karlovy Vary.

visitors per month
film screenings per day
points of interest
language translations

Some of the locations

Karlovy Vary – spa town like no other. A town of unique architecture, a unique climate, a town of healing mineral water and colonnades.

There are more than a dozen hot mineral springs in Karlovy Vary, known for their healing properties. The city is known as one of Europe's leading spa resorts.

Karlovy Vary is surrounded by picturesque mountains and forests, making the city an ideal place for walks and outdoor recreation.

Loket Castle. Key to the Kingdom of Bohemia. A Gothic building located on a high rock, surrounded on three sides by the river Ogra, but also rich in history and a sufficient amount of mysticism. The castle was built as a strategic fortress to protect the kingdom from invasions.

For several centuries the castle was used as a prison. Today, visitors can see exhibitions dedicated to this part of Loket's history, including restored torture chambers and prison premises.

Marianske Lazne is a spa park, unique architecture, healing mineral springs and other natural healing resources, the town is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The city is famous for more than 40 mineral springs, each of which has a unique chemical composition and healing properties.

Frantiskovy Lazne, the smallest and most attractive of the resorts in the West Bohemian triangle, is located on the border with Germany.

Thanks to the uniform classical style of architecture of the spa buildings and spring pavilions, Frantiskovy Lazne has retained the charm and atmosphere of a turn-of-the-century spa town.

The ancient castle and town of Bečov nad Teplou is located in the town of the same name, about 25 km from Karlovy Vary. The complex of a romantic castle and an ancient fortress is an important historical monument, which complements the beautiful terraced park in the Italian style. The main attraction of Bečov Castle is the reliquary of St. Moor from the beginning of the 13th century, comparable in value to coronation regalia.

The natural marble formation Svatoš Rocks consists of rock pillars, prisms and pyramids created by the Ohře River, which, in the area between Loket and Doubí, broke through the Karlovy Vary granite massif to form a deep canyon.

Local residents associate Svyatoske Rocks with the legend of an enchanted wedding. According to legend, a wedding once took place at this place, but due to a curse, all participants in the celebration turned into stone.

Covering an area of almost 70 hectares, St. Linhart Nature Reserve offers, in addition to a classic observatory, a unique aerial view of the animals. The reserve uses a system of bridges for convenient and safe observation.

The reserve consists of three parts. Right near Linhart you can see Dybowski's spotted deer, in the middle part there is a spotted fallow deer, and the last part belongs to a wild boar.

We have collected in one film the main attractions of the Karlovy Vary Region such as: Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně, Jáchymov, Loket Castle, Bečov Chateau, Teplá Monastery, Slavkovský Forest, Klínovec, The Ore Mountains and much more.

In addition to an excellent, rich picture in 4K quality, with footage taken both from the ground and from the air, you will be able to hear the sounds of Karlovy Vary nature and learn useful and interesting information about each object in a language you understand, with 4 languages to choose from. You will be able to learn more about places that deserve attention and that you will want to visit, and you will learn more about Karlovy Vary itself. You will have a pleasant and useful time.

A professional video production studio worked on the film. The film is available for screening only in our cinema hall, and nowhere else. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover all the beauties of the Karlovy Vary region and feel Karlovy Vary.


Book movie tickets

🎁 Book online and get a 2 € discount

Ticket categories and price:
Adult - 200 CZK
Seniors - 150 CZK (from 65 years old)
Children - 100 CZK (from 5 to 12 years old)

You can purchase a ticket to watch the film “Feel Karlovy Vary” from the administrator of our center at: Lázeňská 2075/14,
Кarlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Rules of cinema hall

  • The ticket is valid for 7 days from the date of purchase for any session;
  • The ticket does not have assigned seating. If there are no places for the desired session, you will be able to get to the nearest one;
  • The ticket is not personalized, so you can purchase a ticket not only for yourself.
  • The ticket grants you a one-time visit to the cinema hall. The ticket price includes the use of a stereo headset with the option to choose one of four language audio tracks.
Read more about rules of the cinema hall north_east

User reviews

👍 5
Ein guter Anfang, um Karlsbad kennenzulernen
Mir wurde dieser Film in unserem Hotel empfohlen. Der Film ist perfekt für alle, die mehr als nur die Stadt Karlsbad sehen und erfahren möchten. Man bekommt sofort Lust, alles persönlich zu besuchen und zu erleben.
Hannah, Hamburg
👍 5
Лучший вариант спланировать отдых
Второй раз в Карловых Варах с мужем, и первый раз зашли на этот фильм. Мы остались в восторге, очень насыщенный, за 15 минут узнали массу новых мест, в часть из них поедем точно. Хотелось еще смотреть и смотреть. Кроме кино, можно купить термальную соль, крема и пилинги из соли, цены ниже, чем вокруг.
Ирина и Олег, Кишинев
👍 5
Стоит своих денег
Были с друзьями и детьми, ни разу не пожалели, всем понравилось и взрослым и детям. Мы смотрели на русском, дети на немецком одновременно. Фильм подходит, тем кто интересуется не только заезженными маршрутами с толпами туристов. Удачи в сьемках новых фильмов.
Руслан, Дрезден
👍 5
Příjemně a užitečně jsem strávila čas
Skvělý nápad ukázat během 15 minut hlavní památky, všechno je udělané na vysoké úrovni. Velmi příjemný, krásný a obsahově bohatý film. Nevěděla jsem, že Karlovarský kraj je tak krásný.
👍 5
Very useful
It was our first time in Karlovy Vary, and we only had one day. The film showed us everything we would have missed, but now we want to come back and visit these places again.
David, Denmark
👍 5
I was one of the first to see it!
A small cinema hall, but with a large screen, excellent sound and super picture. I was surprised how beautiful the Karlovy Vary region is, a good video guide for everyone. I recommend!
Steve, Antwerpen
👍 5
Узнала много нового
Супер, что фильм на моем родном языке! Живу здесь уже год, но не могла и представить сколько красивых мест вокруг, я обязательно их увижу.
Анна, Хеб
👍 5
Dobrý doplněk k exkurzi!
Podruhé v Karlových Varech, rád se učím něco nového! Krásné záběry, bylo užitečné se naučit tolik nových věcí.
Tomáš, Praha
👍 5
Приятная остановка на маршруте.
Мы с мужем наткнулись случайно на ваш дом кино, приезжаем каждый год и вот впервые увидели. Нам очень понравилось видео, сделано с душой, очень красивая сьемка и наполнение информацией, полезное с приятным.
Аружан и Марат, Актобе
👍 5
Der Film ist sein Geld wert
Ich habe Karlsbad von einer anderen Seite gesehen und auch neue Reiseziele kennengelernt. Es war schön, auf Deutsch zuzusehen und zuzuhören, die Sitze waren bequem.
Stephan, München

Local Goods Store

Here you can purchase natural 100% original Karlovy Vary drinking salt and products based on thermal salt from Karlovy Vary (creams, scrubs, bath salts, micellar water, and much more). We work directly with the manufacturer, which guarantees the originality and safety of the products, as well as the best selection and prices.

We are located 50 meters from the Mill Colonnade, Lázeňská 2075/14. You can also place an order online with delivery to your country.


With the help of the film our goal is to show as many guests as possible the huge potential and tourist attractiveness of not only Karlovy Vary but the entire region.
We also aim to expand the boundaries of tourism by showcasing unique places to visit, both natural and man-made. By sharing unique facts about these places, we encourage you to visit them, tell your friends about them, fall in love with the Karlovy Vary Region, and Feel Karlovy Vary.
Guides And Travel Agencies
Our location and video viewing will be an excellent addition to your excursion programes, whether at the beginning of an excursion, as a rest stop in the middle of the route, or at the end of the route.
We are located in the very center of the historical right on the main tour routes.
Suppliers And Partners
If you produce or supply unique products related to the Karlovy Vary region or designer souvenirs, or other tourism products and think that it will be of interest to guests of our center, please contact us, we are open to cooperation.
Bloggers And Influencers
If you are a blogger, influencer, media personality, owner of a media platform and have a large audience that may be interested in tourism in Karlovy Vary and the Karlovy Vary region, we invite you to cooperate with us for mutual promotion.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have collected and shown in the film the most interesting objects and places to visit in the Karlovy Vary region. The film features: Marianske Lazne, Loket Castle, Františkovy Lazne, Becov Castle, Svyatoske Rocks, St. Lingard National Park, Slavsky Forest, Karlovy Vary dungeon, Jáchymov’s silver and radon mines, Klinovec and Plešivec mountain peaks and much more. This film will expand your knowledge about the attractions of Karlovy Vary and the region and and will serve as a useful video guide for your future trips. Come and see for yourself.
An original film, produced by a professional video company using high-quality equipment. A beautiful and bright video image is accompanied by informative content simultaneously in 4 languages (English, Czech, Russian, German), with the ability to choose a language that you understand and not be distracted by captions. The film is protected by copyright and is available for screening only in this cinema; you will not be able to see it anywhere else. This is a great way to spend time pleasantly and usefully. Come and see for yourself.

Whether you're in Karlovy Vary for the first time or have been here before, the film is perfect for you. You will definitely learn a lot about the region and expand your knowledge.

The film will suit both guests of the city from other countries, as well as guests from other cities of the Czech Republic and, of course, local residents. Come and see for yourself.

Today you can purchase tickets at the cinema box office at the address: Lázeňská 2075/14, Karlovy Vary (near the Mill Colonnade).

But we are actively working on expansion, and in the near future we will increase the number of ticket sales points, as well as implement online ticket sales on our website.

The film's soundtrack is narrated by a professional announcer and is available in 4 languages: Czech, English, Russian and German. At the cinema, you will be given high-quality stereo headphones for the language of your choice and you will be able to immerse yourself in the film without the need to read subtitles. Stereo headphones have good sound depth and bass and will fully convey to you all the sounds of nature in the film. Come and see for yourself.

We have developed our schedule of work and shows to ensure all guests feel as comfortable as possible when visiting us. The film is shown every 30 minutes.

We work 7 days a week, from 9:00 to 19:45.

The first film screening is at 9:30 and the last at 19:30.

Technical break: 12:45 - 13:30

This way, whenever you arrive, you won't have to waste time waiting.

Contact us

Lázeňská 2075/14,
Кarlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 20:00
